ZhurnalyWiki Random Unicorn Server

^z 17th July 2023 at 9:29am
the below became obsolete after the move from using the Oddmuse wiki engine to TiddlyWiki! – instead, try Random Thoughts

Unicorn cards —what could a rational person appreciate about such silly things?

Actually, rather a lot: there's great goodness to be had from nudging a slightly-stuck neural net — aka "mind" — out of an unhappy trap, and a tiny bump can do that. Unicorns as mythical-magical creatures are associated with beauty, power, and love. The 44 "Magical Unicorn Oracle Cards" (created ~2005 by Doreen Virtue) offer relentlessly optimistic words of affirmation and acceptance — gentle perturbations that can catalyze healthier thinking. And they feature pretty pictures from various artists. What's not to like?

Yes, and as with the "ZhurnalyWiki Random Tarot" service and other pseudorandom links, just click on the word "Unicorn" at the top of all ZhurnalyWiki pages to get a chaotically-chosen bit of unicorny advice. Try one a day, and don't cling to what comes or take it too seriously. And note that, like tarot or other artifacts, a deck of physical unicorn cards is fun to shuffle and sort. Consider getting or gifting a set for a friend in need, including one's self ...

^z - 2018-11-22